Claim your access

Dear Members of the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) and World Sleep Society (WSS),

As a member of WASM/WSS you are entitled to online access to Sleep Medicine journal.  To claim your full text online access you must be a registered user of the website. Please follow the instructions below:

1. Go to Elsevier website

a. Visit to register and/or claim your online access.  (Logging in at the WASM website no longer logs you into the Elsevier website.)

After finishing the following steps you will have your own individual login that will get you access online or via the Sleep Medicine phone app.

2. To Register

a. At the top right click on ‘Register’ then ‘Register & Claim your subscription’.

b. Click the ‘Register an Account’ button on the right.

c. You will be prompted to enter your email address and to create a password. Your password will be case sensitive and must be a minimum of five characters in length with no spaces. Use only characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and -, _, @ and. (Example = 12abc) and, for security reasons, please try to use a combination of upper and lower case letters as well as numbers.

d. Please create a profile by filling in the requested information in the personal profile section.

e. Read the registered user agreement and tick the box to say that you agree with the terms and conditions.

f. Please click ‘Register‘.

g. You should see a notice that you have successfully registered, please click the green ‘Continue where you left off’ button on the right.

3. To Claim

a. You should now be on the ‘claim’ screen, or if you were already registered please click the ‘Claim Subscription’ button top right.

b. Tick the box ‘I receive my subscription through a society membership’.

c. Please enter the below details where requested:

Membership/Account Number: Enter your Email address*

Last Name: Enter your own LAST NAME

d. Lastly, click ‘Activate claim’

* NOTE: This is the same email address you use to log in to the WASM/World Sleep Store sites, if you do not know which one this is please contact WASM directly at [email protected].

You should have now claimed your online access and will be able to view all full text articles from the journal.  If you have questions or need help, then please contact WASM directly at [email protected].

If you have already
claimed your Elsevier
subscription you may
go directly to the site
by clicking on the picture
NOTE: New WASM/WSS memberships are processed in monthly batches.  New members will receive Sleep Medicine journal access as of the 15th of the next month.

For example, new WASM/WSS members signing up in June will receive access as of July 15th.